segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2013

Triumvirat - A La Carte - 1979

Triumvirat - A La Carte - 1979 

1. Waterfall (Jürgen Fritz) 4:48
a stormy aperitiv served on rocked ice, in a piano rimmed glass with a bass twist
2. Late Again (Jürgen Fritz)6:48
with compliments of the house, in case we fail to serve your couvert on time
3. Jo Ann Walker (Jürgen Fritz) 4:46
a juicy appetizer "a la hollywood" with a flugelhorn topping in a creamy string sauce
4. For You (Jürgen Fritz) 5:53
our "chef's" recommendation: the dinner for two
5. I Don't Even Know Your Name (Jürgen Fritz) 4:47
this creation was inspired by accidents that, unfortunately sometimes do happen
6. A Bavarian in New York (Jürgen Fritz) 5:38
a hot, brassy entree with a broiled organ, drummed to perfection
7. Original Soundtrack from the Movie O.C.S.I.D.(Fritz-Kopal-Holtmann) 3:48
(which was never made) vegetables of all seasons (only served on saturday)
8. Darlin' (B. Wilson-M. Love) 3:46
your choice of desserts: aged cheese or fresh apple pie with whipped cream
9. Good Bye (Jürgen Fritz) 4:28
a last drink for you- we hope you enjoyed your evening

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